
February 2020

Non sono previsti spettacoli per il mese selezionato.


Uno spettacolo di Koreja in collaborazione con Babilonia Teatri

Dire fare baciare lettera testamento

Dire fare baciare lettera testamento is an ode to a child

It’s an ode to his beauty, to the potentiality that every child has inside himself, to the infinite number of possibilities that we all have in front of ourselves when we come into the world. Dire fare baciare lettera testamento is our personal manifesto of the children’s rights. It
reflects on our time and on a society characterized by more and more frenetic rhythms where kids are often treated as little adults, with no respect for their own timing and their necessities, and where their voices are not properly heard. Through scenes that come one after another in an overwhelming rhythm the play shows and makes us fell how children need to experience, how they need to gain trust and esteem.
Dire fare baciare lettera testamento is a play proposal addressed to kids, to their parents, to teachers and to adults in general. It’s an invite to discover the possibilities of acting, of acting alone, of acting together. The play
doesn’t tell just about one story, it tells about many stories. It describes how for a child play is as necessary as the air he breaths. It tells about the worlds that play contains and disclose, how play is the space where children grow up and deal with one another, where they know and know each other. We play because playing is children’s job. They need conditions to make play possible and children are not supposed to create these conditions, but adults are. Kids are necessary to play, not toys. A newborn child knows the whole word, from above, from the children’s world, he saw everything. A newborn child knows his rights are more than any other thing.
A child has the right to dialogue. / He has the right to quiet and silence. / He has the right to go out when it rains, to play with water, to jump into the puddles and get wet. / He has the right to hang nails, to saw and scrabble
wood, to sand, to stick. / He has the right to break eggs, to beat and mix them with water and flour. / He has the right to play with soil, to do mud cakes and sand castles. / He has the right to smell. / He has the right to dark, to play with shadows and flashlights, to sleep outside at night. / A child has right to sunrise and sunset. / He has the right to shades, / to sun rising, / to the down, / to the twilight, / to admire the night, the moon, the stars / he has
the right to meet ghosts and be afraid.