
March 2020

16 lug

Socìetas/Romeo Castellucci

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Socìetas/Romeo Castellucci

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Socìetas/Romeo Castellucci

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Socìetas/Romeo Castellucci

Senza Titolo

Socìetas/Romeo Castellucci

Senza Titolo

Socìetas/Romeo Castellucci

Senza Titolo

17 lug

Socìetas/Romeo Castellucci

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Socìetas/Romeo Castellucci

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Socìetas/Romeo Castellucci

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Socìetas/Romeo Castellucci

Senza Titolo

Socìetas/Romeo Castellucci

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Ludovica Rambelli Teatro

La conversione di un cavallo

Ludovica Rambelli Teatro

La conversione di un cavallo

18 lug

Socìetas/Romeo Castellucci

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Socìetas/Romeo Castellucci

Senza Titolo

Socìetas/Romeo Castellucci

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Socìetas/Romeo Castellucci

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Socìetas/Romeo Castellucci

Senza Titolo

Socìetas/Romeo Castellucci

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Andrea Baracco / Cardellino srl


19 lug

Nicola Lagioia

Presto saprò chi sono

Pippo Delbono

Di notte

20 lug

Stefano Massini

Alfabeto delle emozioni

21 lug

Concita De Gregorio e Erica Mou/Teatri di Bari

Un’ultima cosa

22 lug

Ermanna Montanari/Albe

Vergine madre, figlia del tuo figlio

23 lug

Masque teatro e a seguire Dewey Dell


Dewey Dell

Deriva traversa

Teatro Koreja

Paladini di Francia

24 lug

Spellbound Contemporary Ballet

The real you

Leo Bassi

70 Anni

25 lug

Parini Secondo + Parini Secondo / Bremo

Speeed +What will happen tomorrow

Ivo Dimchev

Top Faves


Una performance di Koreja

The age of oil and stone

Audio guided and performed tour to the underground oil mills of Salento

The performance aims to make visitors discover the technological, architectural, symbolic and historical aspects of the underground oil mills of Salento. At the entrance each visitor is given a wireless headphone to listen to sound reconstructions of the activity that took place in the mill, accompanied by music and narrative voices. Visitors can hear the trappetari, the workers part of the crew of the trappeto, speak ; the voice of the “nachiro”, aka the chief of the crew, the helmsman leading
the navigation in the sea of oil; voice is given also to barons, marquises, architects and health inspectors. An actor, who plays the role of the apprentice, entrusted to the youngest person working in the mill, leads the
dialogues between all these voices and guide the visitors. The performance is an innovative way to enjoy spaces linked to the tradition. The visitor / spectator is no longer a mere observer but participates in a sensory experience in a sort of altered reality of the interaction between
the place, the actor and the sounds in the headphones. At the end of the visit it is possible to taste the oil of the territory in collaboration with local producers. The performance is for limited groups of visitors / spectators and can be presented several times throughout the day.

directed by Salvatore Tramacere text by Paolo Pagliani with Giovanni De Monte
technicians Alessandro Cardinale and Mario Daniele