
February 2020

16 lug

Socìetas/Romeo Castellucci

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Socìetas/Romeo Castellucci

Senza Titolo

Socìetas/Romeo Castellucci

Senza Titolo

Socìetas/Romeo Castellucci

Senza Titolo

Socìetas/Romeo Castellucci

Senza Titolo

Socìetas/Romeo Castellucci

Senza Titolo

17 lug

Socìetas/Romeo Castellucci

Senza Titolo

Socìetas/Romeo Castellucci

Senza Titolo

Socìetas/Romeo Castellucci

Senza Titolo

Socìetas/Romeo Castellucci

Senza Titolo

Socìetas/Romeo Castellucci

Senza Titolo

Ludovica Rambelli Teatro

La conversione di un cavallo

Ludovica Rambelli Teatro

La conversione di un cavallo

18 lug

Socìetas/Romeo Castellucci

Senza Titolo

Socìetas/Romeo Castellucci

Senza Titolo

Socìetas/Romeo Castellucci

Senza Titolo

Socìetas/Romeo Castellucci

Senza Titolo

Socìetas/Romeo Castellucci

Senza Titolo

Socìetas/Romeo Castellucci

Senza Titolo

Andrea Baracco / Cardellino srl


19 lug

Nicola Lagioia

Presto saprò chi sono

Pippo Delbono

Di notte

20 lug

Stefano Massini

Alfabeto delle emozioni

21 lug

Concita De Gregorio e Erica Mou/Teatri di Bari

Un’ultima cosa

22 lug

Ermanna Montanari/Albe

Vergine madre, figlia del tuo figlio

23 lug

Masque teatro e a seguire Dewey Dell


Dewey Dell

Deriva traversa

Teatro Koreja

Paladini di Francia

24 lug

Spellbound Contemporary Ballet

The real you

Leo Bassi

70 Anni

25 lug

Parini Secondo + Parini Secondo / Bremo

Speeed +What will happen tomorrow

Ivo Dimchev

Top Faves


Una performance di Koreja

The days of the wheat

1/2 Performed seminar our bread

The days of the wheat is a theatrical performance describing in an innovative and multisensory way the bread making tradition of the Murge territory. To direct the performance, two actors / apprentices-bakers and recorded voices, music and sound environments that visitors will listen to through wireless headphones. After wearing the disposable hygiene clothes essential for visiting a food laboratory, the spectators will listen to the 1/2
performed seminar on our bread, a story about the process of bread making starting from the ingredients: flour, sourdough , water and salt. At the end they will taste the bread and can take home a portion of the sourdough, the natural yeast rich in indigenous micro-organisms, with which to prepare a bread “that tastes like Murgia”.
The 25-minute performance, for a maximum number of 20 people, can be represented several times throughout the day. The project was selected as part of “Public Notice for the selection of project proposals for the territories of the Murge in the province of Bari and Taranto, in view of” Matera 2019 “promoted by the Puglia Region.

text by Paolo Pagliani
with Giorgia Cocozza and Andrea Listorti
artistic consultants Salvatore Tramacere and Carlo Durante
final voice Peppino Piccolo
photographs on stage Nicola Nuzzolese
technicians Alessandro Cardinale and Mario Daniele