
February 2020

16 lug

Socìetas/Romeo Castellucci

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Socìetas/Romeo Castellucci

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Socìetas/Romeo Castellucci

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Socìetas/Romeo Castellucci

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Socìetas/Romeo Castellucci

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Socìetas/Romeo Castellucci

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17 lug

Socìetas/Romeo Castellucci

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Socìetas/Romeo Castellucci

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Socìetas/Romeo Castellucci

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Socìetas/Romeo Castellucci

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Socìetas/Romeo Castellucci

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Ludovica Rambelli Teatro

La conversione di un cavallo

Ludovica Rambelli Teatro

La conversione di un cavallo

18 lug

Socìetas/Romeo Castellucci

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Socìetas/Romeo Castellucci

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Socìetas/Romeo Castellucci

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Socìetas/Romeo Castellucci

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Socìetas/Romeo Castellucci

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Socìetas/Romeo Castellucci

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Andrea Baracco / Cardellino srl


19 lug

Nicola Lagioia

Presto saprò chi sono

Pippo Delbono

Di notte

20 lug

Stefano Massini

Alfabeto delle emozioni

21 lug

Concita De Gregorio e Erica Mou/Teatri di Bari

Un’ultima cosa

22 lug

Ermanna Montanari/Albe

Vergine madre, figlia del tuo figlio

23 lug

Masque teatro e a seguire Dewey Dell


Dewey Dell

Deriva traversa

Teatro Koreja

Paladini di Francia

24 lug

Spellbound Contemporary Ballet

The real you

Leo Bassi

70 Anni

25 lug

Parini Secondo + Parini Secondo / Bremo

Speeed +What will happen tomorrow

Ivo Dimchev

Top Faves


Uno spettacolo di Koreja

Wandering knights

Street performance

The first impression is that these knights
don’t really know what they want:
they chase for a bit, they duel for a little, they twist for a bit,
and they’re always about to change their mind
Italo Calvino, Orlando Furioso

Heroic feats, weapons, courtesies, art, love in a plastic world
Orlando is mad not because of love suffering, but due to the modern, consumerist insanity. The queen of plastic, a modern Circe, has turned her brave knights into living mannequins who pollute the town streets, from
cities to the sea and beach. A large mass of duelists out of the rails, a rabble of plastic warriors who have been punished and saved. Orlando, the loudmouth leader who moves dancing and singing, his cousin Astolfo, a
handsome English prince attracted by women, Bradamante, warrior in love with lost love, Marfisa proud queen of India, wandering horsewoman with feministic attitude, the Moorish Rodomonte, giant leader as fast as a train
and then Isabella, the faithful maiden who has lost her mind because of love, and the witches Alcina, Logistilla and Morgana, three sisters who fight among themselves but are forced to live in one body, the Worldman, the
queen’s bishop, who pollutes every step he takes. A band plays with them around the dangerous way of consumerism and madness. Just a child tries to redeem them followed by his leading animal, a winged hippogriff, and
wants to give back a chance to the earth where glaciers are melting and hearts are made of plastic.
A cheerful play for children and adults that, by crossing the town streets with songs and wit, spreads a very timely topic pointing the finger at the wild consumerism of current days.

by Carlo Durante and Silvia Ricciardelli
costumes and scene objects Porziana Catalano, Iole Cilento
with Letizia Cartolaro, Lian Cavalera, Giorgio Distante, Giulia Maria Falzera,
Davide Giannuzzi, Maria Grazia Gioffrè, Eleonora lezzi, Andrea Listorti,
Leandro loiacono, Gianni Ruggeri, Federica Toni, Anđelka Vulić, Fabio Zullino
original music Giorgio Distante with Davide Chiarelli, Giovanni Chirico